Find your ideal snowshoes

This tool makes it easy to find the racquet model that's right for you!

Simply enter your weight and shoe size. 

And for a more refined answer, you can choose your practice, your equipment and your expectations.

Ready for your next icy adventure? It's up to you!

en kg
en lbs
Ma pointure
Ma pratiquei
The choice of snowshoe size depends on the type of activity you have in mind.
If you are between two sizes:
- Opt for a larger frame if you intend to venture into powder snow.
- Opt for a smaller frame, on the other hand, if you prefer to follow an existing trail.
Mon équipementi
If you are accustomed to hiking with a backpack, it is important to take it into account as it affects your carrying capacity. We consider that an average backpack weighs 8 kg.
Mes attentesi
What are you primarily looking for when you go snowshoeing?
You can select multiple expectations.
Mon niveaui
What is your level?
Discover 1/3 = Beginner
Explore 2/3 = Intermediate
Summit 3/3 = Advanced
You can select multiple levels.