historique marche nordique


As it's name would suggest, nordic walking (also known as sauvakävely) is a bona fide sport in its own right originating in the Scandinavian countries, more precisely from Finland. This walking technique was originally employed in the seventies by cross-country ski champions to maintain their physical condition over the summer months. They call it "ski walking". Today, there are no less than 8 million regular practitioners of nordic walking worldwide. And their numbers are constantly on the rise.

marche nordique


Nordic walking is accessible to a very wide audience: from young children up to adults, for top level sports stars as for beginners, and even for people recovering from injury or illness.
But don't be mistaken by this democratisation, because this sport is also very comprehensive and its established health benefits are numerous.
- Strengthened musculature (Just by itself, nordic walking calls on 80% of the body's muscles to play their part).
- Encourages weight loss