Events Calendar - SPRING SUMMER 2023
The TSL events diary is back for a new summer season that promises to be sporty! Trail running and Nordic walking are on the program this summer! Outdoor sports enthusiasts will be kept busy with a multitude of races scheduled throughout the season.
Are you ready to discover the most spectacular landscapes in the region?

The TRY DAY is a whole day to test products "for free" in the Mont Blanc region. The aim is to encourage people to get out of their comfort zone and discover new ways of moving, particularly through trail running in the mountains.
Come and test our poles and trail backpacks from 9am to 7pm, see you in Sallanches!

After the success of the first edition in 2022, the festival is back this year for even more trail running! The Trail festival RUN IN ANNECY is first and foremost an event for Trail lovers: organized races, gear tests, conferences, workshops, and the presence of exhibitors specialized in Trail, something for every sports enthusiast. We will be present for this occasion, and you will be able to test our products all day from 9am to 7pm: not to be missed!

The Aravis Trail is a mountain running event that, as its name suggests, takes place in the Aravis mountains. Runners can choose between several distances, ranging from 11 km to 48 km. Trail running as we like it, a simple organization with a good vibe, an event on a human scale made possible by the great work of the volunteers!
We are delighted to be a partner again this year.

Tignes vous donne rendez-vous le samedi 19 et le dimanche 20 août pour une nouvelle édition du "Cimalp Tignes Trail".
Deux jours dédiés aux amoureux de la montagne et des grands espaces. Au coeur du Stade naturel de Tignes, vous avez plusieurs options : parcours jeunes, 13km, 27km, et 46km (avec un passage dans le Parc National de la Vanoise).
Peu importe votre niveau, il y aura des vues panoramiques, des lacs, des glaciers, une sensation infinie de liberté... dans un paysage incroyable !
Nouveauté ! Pour fêter les 60 ans du Parc National de la Vanoise, le parcours le plus long a été repensé. Il passe de 44km à 46km. Plus de kilomètres pour plus de bonheur ! Vous aurez la chance de parcourir des sentiers préservés au milieu d'un des plus beaux Parc Naturel de France.

The race that needs no introduction, the world summit of trail running, The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc is THE mythical trail race of 171 km around the Mont-Blanc in France, Switzerland and Italy.
It is of course a great pleasure to meet you at this unmissable event which brings together all the best Trail runners in the world. Passion for the trail will be the keyword, we can't wait to see you and present you our range of trail products.

Formerly known as Aravis Sky Pursuit, the Manigod Trail Challenge offers a new format of race that takes place over 2 days. The opportunity to discover one of the most beautiful valleys of the Aravis massif. With a base camp at the Merdassier pass, it's the ideal place to set off on the trails in the forest, in the mountain pastures and as close as possible to the summits.
Come and see us and test our TSL Trail gear!