Difficulty : Normal less than 3 hours

The duration of the route is 1.5 hours, but it can vary depending on the quantity and quality of the snow, especially if the route has already been marked out since the last snowfall and depending on its importance.

At the exit of the Corbeau chairlift, you will immediately see the red markings in front of you. Shortly afterwards, you will come to the Ecottis crossroads where you can take route no. 8 towards the Portes de Culet.

TSL OUTDOOR accepts no responsibility for any changes to the information on this route.


Safety instructions See the safety instructions

The duration of the route is 1.5 hours, but it can vary depending on the quantity and quality of the snow, especially if the route has already been marked out since the last snowfall and depending on its importance.

At the exit of the Corbeau chairlift, you will immediately see the red markings in front of you. Shortly afterwards, you will come to the Ecottis crossroads where you can take route no. 8 towards the Portes de Culet.

TSL OUTDOOR accepts no responsibility for any changes to the information on this route.


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